Our Products


Content Curation

Create highly engaging newsletters and blog posts.

Discover Content

Find trending content for any market or niche.

Team Collaboration

Work on projects and campaigns with your entire team.


Create eBooks

Create ebooks and lead magnets from your blog posts.

List Building

Re-purpose content to grow your email list.

Design with Ease

Add a template, change a font, stylize headers and footers – no design skills needed.


Protect Your Sites

Block known spammers by region and ban unauthorized IP addresses.

Scan And Fix

Instantly fix known risks and vulnerabilities with one click.

Schedule Scans

Enable daily or weekly scans and receive email notifications of any changes.


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Why We Love Kudani

Driven By Our Customers

Kudani Cloud is the Evernote of Content Marketing. What I love most is that I can live in there to do all my content marketing. I no longer have to go to tons of other sites daily. Great software by great people. (Stephanie Diamond, Author of Social Media Marketing for Dummies)

Whether you’re looking to curate a blog post, or e-newsletter, find trending content, syndicate to social media, give some pizzazz to an image Kudani Cloud has got it. A feature rich application that saves you time and organizes your content marketing needs.

Content Promotion

The secret to content marketing boils down to three things: creating great content, making sure it gets found in search engines, and promoting it to your followers. (Neil Patel – QuickSprout)

Create a syndication sequence to Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Simply decide what time of day and for how many days after posting an article you want social activity. Customize your excerpts, or highlight bits from your article, and have a backlink automatically added to your post.

Team Collaboration

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. (Michael Jordan)

Send internal email messages, create tasks, set up authorization workflows, create campaigns, or simply share content between staff to produce the best results for your clients. Working with a team has never been easier.

Content Curation

Content curation is a means by which we either supplement or promote our brand’s point of view to our specific audiences within the context of how the “world” is talking about that particular topic. (Robert Rose, http://contentmarketinginstitute.com)

Flip through your favorite feeds or search the latest trending articles to find exactly the type of content that your readers are looking for. Highlight an excerpt of interest and with a click of a mouse add it to your editor. It’s that easy. Pull together 5-6 bits, add in your own commentary, and publish. Or pull together snippets into an e-newsletter to increase sharing and open rates.

Keyword Analysis

In online marketing everything starts with what users are searching for. Whether for organic or paid traffic users start with keywords. Knowing and understanding what keywords users are using and in what quantity is fundamental to building an online presence that generates sales instead of just visitors. (Paul Clifford, Founder & CEO)

Kudani’s built in keyword tool let’s you find the right keywords for your post quickly and easily. Examine a number of metrics, from volume, to CPC, competition, trends, etc. With one click select your primary and secondary keywords. And when you are finished writing your post do a quick analysis to check your on page SEO before publishing.

  • I have been delighted to be a part of the team that has helped to test Kudani Cloud and as an editor of several news and magazine sources, I can see the benefits of this amazing program in terms of time, professional curation and brand. Not to mention the benefits of being able to manage a large editorial team. Kudani Cloud is the next thing in Content Marketing and is a must have for your Content Marketing needs.

    Jock Brocas

    Online Marketing Guy

    Jock Brocas